Acupuncture, Herbs, Family Constellations

Hunting for Healers Podcast

Return to the Original with Kejian Xiao

Hunting for Healers Podcast, episode 18. A lineage is never a straight line. It could never be, for how many straight lines do we see in nature? Things are lost, remembered, omitted, and reborn over and over again. This is true of the ancient medicine I practice, where somehow a 3,000 year old curving doodle of a lineage has moved through me. One of the direct influences was one of my first Traditional Chinese Medicine teachers, Kejian Xiao. Her capacity to constantly simplify her approach to what is basic, effective and tangible makes her an outstanding practitioner and an invaluable teacher. To get the chance to talk with her more than 15 years after school was such a treat and is an invaluable entry into the HFH library.

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Frank Vogt