Acupuncture, Herbs, Family Constellations

Hunting for Healers Podcast

Digging in Dante's Inferno with FDNY's Rob Vogt

(Highlights form Hunting for Healers podcast episode 20) When most people think of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, they think of one very specific and tragic day. But for FDNY lieutenant Robert Vogt, it was the 6 months of digging at ground zero and the 20 years of living in the shadows of those he was searching for. No shadow looms larger than that of his firefighting uncle Stephen Siller, "It was like Batman and Robin and then there is just Robin". Robert comes to grips with survivor guilt, media attention, and having to balance a personal loss with the loss of so many of his FDNY colleagues. This is a brave, humorous, and honest interview with the brave older brother of podcast host Frank Vogt.

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Frank Vogt